Monday, December 9, 2013

Use my Tunnel 请用我的隧道

1ST September 2013, Sunday, 10pm- Peke is 3 years and 8 months old.
Hubby was watching football live telecast at downstairs living room.
Little Peke insisted his father came upstair, then only he agreed to sleep. He shouted over upstairs: “Daddy, please come up stair and sleep. I am tired already.”
Hubby said: “You sleep first; I will come after finish watching my football.”Little Peke was so reluctant, he asked my help to open the upstairs security door, and he wanted to go downstairs and pulled his father upstairs.
Down the stairs, I felt a bit hungry, so I made myself a cup of milo and took some biscuit to eat. When Little Peke and hubby already went upstairs, again Little Peke walked downstairs to ask me go upstairs with him after he found I did not follow them go upstairs.
After washed the cup, my hands were so wet. Thus, I told Little Peke: “My hands were so wet and I am not able to hold your hand to go upstairs. So can you walk upstairs yourself and be more watchful? I will follow behind you.”
Little Peke said: “Use my tunnel.”
I felt a little confused, what was the relevant between the wet hands and the tunnel? But I did not think too much about this, just kept asking him to be careful on the stairs.
After entered the bedroom, I was sitting on the chair, Little Peke took his towel, holding my hands and wipe my hands said: “Use my towel.”
I felt so touching with Little Peke kind heart.
Just now, it was my own misheard only.
201391日,北格3岁又8个月, 星期日, 10.00 
北格非要老公上楼来,他才肯睡。他站在楼梯口喊到: “Daddy, please come up stair and sleep. I am tired already.”
老公回话说: “You sleep first, I will come after finish watching my football.”北格还是不甘愿,他要求我打开楼上的安全门,自己下楼揪他爸爸上来。
下了楼,由于我肚子有点饿,就冲了杯美禄搭配饼干充饥。北格和老公上楼不久后, 发现我并没有一起上楼, 又下来要我一起上楼睡觉。
我洗好杯子,双手很湿,没办法牵北格的手,只好对他说: “妈妈的手很湿,没办法牵你的手一起上楼去,你自己要小心,好吗?”
北格回答: “Use my tunnel.”
我觉得有点疑惑,心想:手湿和隧道有什么关联呢? 我并没有想太多,只是一再叮咛他小心上楼梯。
进了房间,才坐在椅子上,北格拿起他的毛巾,一边牵起我的手说: “Use my towel.”一边帮我抹湿了的双手时,我觉得好贴心和感动。


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