Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When Chinese Earth God (Di Zhu) met Little Peke 当我家的地主遇上北格

20th May 2013, Monday- Peke is 3 years and 6 months old.
After dinner, Peke’s Daddy came upstair and told me: “Peke’s Mamma, you know, it is very difficult to deal with your son.”
I asked: “What happen?”
Peke’s Daddy said: “Just now when Peke passed by the Earth God Altar, he used his leg and kicked the New Year Cake (Nian Gao) in front of the altar purposely.”
Peke’s Dad quickly stopped Peke to do that and said: “Peke, don’t do that. This is wrong. You don’t afraid of Oya (refer to Di Zhu) scold scold you?”
Peke said: “ Oya does not have mouth one.”
Such an uppity kid!
北格回答说:“Oya 没有嘴巴的。”

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Little friendship through Oppa Gangnam Style 江南式的友情篇

Peke is 3 years and3 months old.
Last Friday evening (1st of March), when we were having our dinner, Peke suddenly said: “Apa gana stal.”
 I couldn’t understand what he was trying to tell. So I asked Peke if he could repeat what he said just now.
Again, I heard “Apa gana stal.”
I could only catch the first word “Apa” which I assumed is Bahasa Melayu, means “What”.
Then, I asked Peke Poh Poh (Granny): “What does he said? I only heard “Apa”?”
Peke Poh Poh said: “This Whole day after he backs from centre, he keeps telling apa gana stal. I also don’t know what he said. He seems like speak Bahasa Melayu.”
Peke Daddy said: “The centre starts to teach them Bahasa Melayu. This is not bad.”
Peke Poh Poh agreed with Peke Daddy.
I am so curious. Is this so called “Magic”? We just sent Peke to centre for 2 months; he already can say a full sentence of Bahasa Melayu? A language that we totally do not speak to him since he was born and almost zero exposes.
After finished dinner, I chit chat with Peke at the living room: “Peke, what is Apa gana stal? Teacher Lee teaches you at the centre there?”
Peke said: “The boy say Aun Aun, Apa ganam stal.”
Ahar…..finally Mommy knew what was Peke trying to tell.
There was a boy from his centre who called Peke to watch him demonstrated the Oppa Gangnam Style.
So I asked Peke: “What is the boy name?”
Peke said: “The boy.”
Well, Peke only knows how to address his classmates name by The Boy and The Girl.
Peke Daddy start to worry, so he said: “Can you ask the boy what is his name?”
Peke said “The boy said Apa gana stal.” Haha
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monday evening (4th of March), when I bathed for Peke, Peke said “Apa gana stal.” He was so fascinated about Oppa gangnam style.
I asked Peke: “So what is the boy’s name?”
Peke said : “Jim.”
Jim is his first classmate name he knows since he was born.

星期五(三月一日)的傍晚,大家围坐在白色大理石的饭桌享用晚餐,北格突然说:“Apa gana stal.
结果,我还是听到一样的东西,:“Apa gana stal.
我想北格所说的“Apa ”应该是马来话,意指“什么”,后面两句就完全毫无头绪。
北格婆婆说:“今天,他从中心回来后,就不停的说 “Apa gana stal”。我也不懂是什么。有点像马来话。”
用膳后,我又问北格:“Apa gana stal是什么意思呢?是不是李老师教你新的东西呢?”
北格回答:“那个男孩说,安安,Apa gana stal。”
啊哈,我灵光一闪,终于抓到这句话的意思了。北格是指中心那儿有个男孩叫北格看他表演当今红遍全球的跳马舞,Oppa Gangnam Style
北格回答:“那个男孩说Apa gana stal。”太可爱了。
星期一(三月四日)的傍晚,我帮北格洗澡时,他又说:“Apa gana stal。”他超爱这骑马舞!